How do I place an order?
Click the "Place an Order" button at the bottom left corner of the screen. Then follow the easy step-by-step instructions. Hi-res (300dpi) JPEG's using Adobe RGB are recommended.
Can you convert a color image into a black and white?
Yes! On your order form, you will have the option to convert color images into black and white.
Can you retouch my photo?
Yes, our experts can creatively retouch your images.
Can you crop my photo?
Yes, Simply provide us with a detailed description of your ideal cropping in the comment section of your order form. If the image won't work, we will call you with an alternative solution.
Will I get to ok the image prior to the final print?
Yes, we will send you your own password protected private link to view your retouched image before we create or enlarge the print.
How long will it take to process and ship my order?
From the time you approve the image for printing, we will ship your portrait within (10-15) business days. If you need your portrait sooner for a special event, please let us know via email or phone call. We will do our best to rush the order. Additional shipping cost may apply.
What is the return policy?
We offer a 100% safisfaction guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with portrait or it arrives damaged, we will fix the problem asap upon receiving the returned item. You can return the item for an exchange or refund within 60-days of us receiving the item.
What about copyrights
Things to remember about copyright:
• Purchasing a print or digital file from your photographer does not mean you have purchased the copyright
• Under the Federal Copyright Act of 1976, photographers are protected by copyright from the moment of creation
• Unless you have permission from the photographer, you can't copy, distribute (no scanning and sending to others) publicly display (posting online) or create derrivative works from
• Professional photographers are dependent on their ability to control the reproduction of the photographs they create.